Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Beetroot kanji/kvass

I adapted this recipe by combining Beetroot Kvass and Black Carrot Kanji

Black Carrot Kanji uses Black Carrots which are fermented using black salt and split mustard seeds. Chillies can be added but optional. It is a winter recipe and highly healthy!

Beetroot Kvass is a Russian recipe where beetroots were fermented and the "pickle juice" is believed to have great health benefits(please google up as I cannot post others' content here.

I found both these recipes when going through a phase of low energy and lack of appetite.

How I made this recipe:

1 medium size beetroot
300ml of water
1 tsp black salt
1 tsp split mustard seeds
2 green chillies(optional)

Heat water till tepid and pour into a sterilised glass jar.
Julienne the beetroots, but not very thin.
Add beetroots, mustard seeds and black salt and chillies.
Keep it in sunlight if possible. This will take 3-6 days depending on the temperature.
You can see bubbles floating at the top because of the gas emitted.
This must be refrigerated oce feremented and the feremneted can be had as a tnic, add some beetroot bits along or have the feremented bits during meals.